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Spotify shortcuts in KDE

19 August 2014

This is how you can assign a global keyboard-shortcut to play/pause spotify in KDE:

  1. Open System Settings -> Custom Shortcuts.
  2. Add a new Group called something like “Spotify Shortcuts”.
  3. Add a new Global Shortcut -> D-Bus Command.
  4. Note that the group and shortcut is disabled by default. You need to enable it by ticking the select-box to the right of the name of the group (might need to scroll horizontally).
  5. Set a Keyboard-combination in the Trigger tab (e.g. Super+Shift+F5).
  6. Set the following values in the Action tab:
    • Remote application: “org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.spotify”
    • Remote object: “/org/mpris/MediaPlayer2”
    • Function: “org.mpris.MediaPlayer2.Player.PlayPause”


Attached an export of the Group: spotifyremote.khotkeys.

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