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KDE Icon only task manager

29 January 2015

KDE comes with a more modern alternative to the default windows-xp-like task manager similar to Unity’s or OSX’. It’s aptly called the “Icon-only Task Manager” and you add it to the Panel as you would any other widget (and of course remove the old task manager).

Shortcuts can be pinned to the task manager by right-clicking the shortcut that appears when an application is running and selecting “Show a launcher when not running”. This works for most applications, but a few (typically gtk-applications) need some tuning. If a launcher is not working try this:


Chrome in Kubuntu 14.10 has even more issues. To make a working launcher for this, you have to copy the global launcher to your home-catalog for some reason:

cp /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop ~/.local/share/applications/

and then you can add a “Launcher Matching Rule” as explained above.

Some additional steps I did that may have had an effect:

Sources: __

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