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Locale Issues in (K)ubuntu

26 May 2014

I’ve had some issues with the Locale-settings in ubuntu, mostly related to displaying/ writing norwegian letters (like æøå).

Locale explenation

Locale in KDE

KDE offers a gui in system settings for changing locale. However, there is a bug (at least in Kubuntu) that makes this set invalid locale-settings when trying to set language and country independently. E.g. if I set country to Norway (to get Norwegian regional settings for currency, time etc.), and langage to American English, locale is set to the invalid value en_NO.UTF-8. One proposed fix is setting language to British English instead of American. Another is manually editing ~/.kde/env/setlocale.sh which appearently is the file used by the settings-gui.

No norwegian letters in Chromium

Tested in Kubuntu 14.04

This problem is accompanied with error-messages when apt-get tries to update locale settings. These messages reveal that it tries to set locale to “en_NO.UTF-8” which of course doesn’t exist. See solution above.

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