
These are some examples to look at if you're stuck with your tasks:

  1. View: FooterView
    1. should render a footer with some stats
    2. should update when it's collection changes
    3. should set it's collection's filter on clicking a filter-link

Your Task

Make all tests pass :) You can see their status by opening test/index.html in your favourite browser. The tests themselves are found in test/specs/, and you shall fix them by filling out the empty methods in the "classes" in js/[collections|models|views]/. Only the first few tests are activated, so you have to activate the test you're fixing by removing ".skip". The tasks are grouped into themes and I recommend you do them in the order they're written here. (This means you don't necessarily complete all tests in one file before moving on to the next.)

Each of these tasks are solved in successive commits on the master branch. The idea is that if you're stuck with a task you can get a hint by diffing against the solution commit, e.g. something like

$ git diff HEAD~19

You can get a sneak peek at what the finished site is supposed to be like by checking out HEAD and viewing app/index.html in a browser.

Basics: Models, Collections and Views

  1. Model: Movie
    1. should be initialized with correct default values (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~19
    2. can toggle it's 'watched' status (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~18
  2. Collection: Movies
    1. should return all watched movies. (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~17
    2. should return all unwatched movies. (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~16
  3. View: MovieRowView
    1. should render a simple movie (10 min)
      Solution: HEAD~15

List Views

  1. View: MovieListView
    1. should render a simple list (15 min)
      Solution: HEAD~14
  2. Put it all together:
    1. Uncomment the testdata in AppView.initialize.
    2. Browse to app/index.html and do any changes required to render a list of movies. (15 min)
    3. Remember to comment out the testdata again (in AppView.initialize).
      Solution: HEAD~14

CRUD Views

  1. View: MovieRowView
    1. should update when it's model changes (15 min)
      Solution: HEAD~13
    2. should toggle 'watched' status when clicking the checkbox (10 min)
      Solution: HEAD~12
    3. should destroy it's model on clicking the delete-button (10 min)
      Solution: HEAD~11
    4. should add class 'editing' (indicating edit-mode) to it's element when double-clicked (15 min)
      Solution: HEAD~10
    5. should remove class 'editing' (indicating view-mode) and save it's model when enter is pressed (10 min)
      Solution: HEAD~9
  2. View: MovieListView
    1. should update when a model is added (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~8
    2. should update when a model is removed (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~7
  3. View: HeaderView
    1. Toggle All Checkbox (all tests) (x min)
      Solution: HEAD~6
    2. Add New Movie Input-field (all tests) (x min)
      Solution: HEAD~5
  4. View: FooterView
    1. should destroy all watched movies on clicking the clear-watched link (x min)
      Solution: HEAD~4
  5. Put it all together:
    1. Browse to app/index.html and do any changes required to make all CRUD features work. (30 min)
      Solution: HEAD~4

Filtering a List View

  1. Collection: Movies
    1. should trigger a 'filter' event when filter is updated (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD~3
  2. View: MovieListView
    1. should propagate 'filter' events from it's collection down to all models in the collection (in the form of 'visible' events to prevent bubble-loop) (15 min)
      Solution: HEAD~2
  3. View: MovieRowView
    1. should toggle class 'hidden' on 'visible'-events on it's model, depending on whether it is mathced by the passed filter (15 min)
      Solution: HEAD
  4. View: MovieListView
    1. should hide unwatched movies when filter is set to 'watched' (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD
    2. should hide watched movies when filter is set to 'unwatched' (5 min)
      Solution: HEAD