This site is part of a workshop meant as a intro/tutorial in Backbone.js. To get started clone the git-repo and checkout the commit tagged "start".

$ git clone git://
$ git checkout start

Then do the tasks in tasks.html.


Some resources to get you started:

There's also an internal site on Confluence -> Learn.JS -> Tema 4 - Backbone. Please use this to share any resources you find useful.


This is one way to use Bakcbone.js as basis for an MVC application, and certainly not "the best way". If you find any bugs or possible improvements please contact me by gmail (kjarnet) or submit an issue or pull-request. In this workshop I completely ignore Backbone's Router and History components which provide functionality to use bookmarkable links within a single-page app.

The app used in this workshop is a heavily modified version of Addy Osmani's example for the excellent TodoMVC project.

After I made this, I found Osmani also has made some backbone-koans that you should probably check out.

Feel free to fork this project on github.