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SQL Developer

06 November 2014

Tested with SQLDeveloper 4.0 on Kubuntu 14.10.

  1. Download latest tarball from Oracle.
  2. Unpack under a suited place, I recommend /opt.
  3. Run with $INSTALL_DIR/sqldeveloper.sh

To make a desktop-shortcut:

  1. Add a file “sqldeveloper.desktop” under ~/.local/share/applications/ with the following contents:

    [Desktop Entry] Version=1.0 Type=Application Name=Oracle SQL Developer Icon=/opt/sqldeveloper/icon.png Exec=/opt/sqldeveloper/sqldeveloper.sh Comment=Oracle SQL Developer Categories=Development;IDE; Terminal=true StartupNotify=true StartupWMClass=sqldeveloper

  2. Run it (e.g. double-click it in your file-browser).
  3. A terminal-window should pop up prompting you to enter the path to a java installation. This will be added to ~/.sqldeveloper/4.0.0/product.conf
  4. Edit the desktop-file and change Terminal to false to prevent the terminal to pop up every time you start SqlDeveloper.
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